Monday, August 20, 2012


Mr. Bumblebee went on a 25 day TDY (training trip) so I have been spending the last few weeks working out a little extra. I also tried a 3 days cleanse involving lots of protein and grapefruit. Although I wasn't as hungry during those days I definitely will not be able to eat grapefruit for a while. Pinterest has been wonderful with different work out ideas. Last week I did do a 10 min circuit 3 times which I felt great about accomplishing. Here is the breakdown (each exercise you do for 1 min):

Squat + Shoulder Press/ Renegade Rows/ Burpees/ Mountain Climnbers/ Squat Jumps/ Plank Jacks/ Push-ups/ Plyo-Split Hops/ Oblique Crunches/ Ice Skaters

Although it can be lonely when he is gone, I am able to get things done around the house and step up my fitness routine. I am looking forward to his return later this week and the fun adventures we have planned in the next couple months!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Foodie Pen Pal

The Lean Green Bean
Last month I participated in a Foodie Pen Pal exchange. I received a bloggers name and sent her a package full of our favorites and then I received a package from a different blogger. Below is the first half of my package (she forgot stuff and the other half is still on the way!). The cookie is from a bakery famous in was yummy! Even hubby enjoyed it :) The coasters are super cute and have already been used a lot in our living room! The produce bags are nice but I have yet to be able to use them. My parents are coming to visit this weekend (hubby is tdy) so I'll need to get stuff and I'll use the bags. It was a great experience. I am taking a break this month with hubby gone but I plan to do it again for sure! Try it out!!! Check out the blogger who got my package!