Monday, May 20, 2013

Military Appreciation

In light of the sweet gift from an USAF retiree while garage saling, military spouse appreciation day, and armed forces day...I want to say how much I appreciate what the troops do for this country. I am honored to be married to a United States Airman! I am proud of his decision to serve and thank him for his commitment. Although we have to spend time apart because of his career, it is only making us stronger. Those days apart are hard, nights are pretty rough, but nothing makes me smile bigger then when he is finally home and in my arms. I thank God for giving us the strength and love to stay united through it all. I am thankful for the times Mr. Bumblebee is home and the memories we get to make together.

Take a moment today to be thankful for what our Armed Forces do. They are sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, but most of all they are heroes. Maybe not public heroes but definitely heroes to those they leave behind.

I love my best friend, my husband, my hero.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Full of Sunshine

Enjoyed our first seedless watermelon of the season! Yummy! Spent today garage saling with my mom! Got a Jillian Michaels dvd for $1! Also Rob got a travel carrier for his golf clubs-greatest part is a nice veteran bought it and said it was a thank you for his service! So sweet! 

Friday, May 3, 2013


Since Mr Bumblebee is leaving this summer for Korea for a yr we too a trip to Ohio to visit his family. It was fun to see our nieces and we had our dream come true and attended a Cubs vs Reds game! Reds won and we had a great time! We also visited the spot of our first kiss <3

Color Splash

In the winter I won a photo shoot with a local photographer so we went ahead and did it mid-April. We took washable paint and watered it down a bit and had some fun! We also painted a canvas to use in the house and remember the laughs and love. I love that my Mr Bumblebee is such a good sport when I want a photo shoot. Love him!