Below are some pics from the last month. We tried out a new restaurant in Raleigh called Guasaca and loved it! They make these things called Arepas which are potato cakes they stuff with meats,veggies,& cheese. Super Bowl night was fun bc of course yummy food but also we enjoyed the time with our small group from church. For Valentines Day hubby woke up to his fave drink and Maggie got some special treats. Mr. Bumblebee had exploratory surgery on his knee so he is still recovering from that. They didn't find anything so he is back to physical therapy and strengthening the leg muscles to support his knee.
40 days of decluttering is going well and I love clearing things out...feels so great!
This past weekend we had a lil snow fall in NC...not really anything but still fun and always enjoyable to see how the south panics with a forecast of snow <.5 inches.

"with every breath, with every word, we lift you higher and higher Lord"
I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! Check out my blog tomorrow for offical rules and post!