It's been a while since I have really updated this blog. Let me start from before we got married. One week before the wedding, the house Mr. Bumblebee was living in (our current residence) was broken into and all our electronics were stolen. It was unfortunate but we cannot move until someone decides to rent our place in order to essentially take over our lease. We are trusting in God's timing.
December 4, 2010 = the best day in my life! Our wedding was wonderful and it was great to see family and friends who made the trip to South Carolina. We love you all!
Christmas was wonderful because we were able to go to Ohio for a few days to see Mr. Bumblebee's family and then go to Fort Mill to see my family! Kendra's boyfriend Mike was able to visit Fort Mill after Christmas, therefore they were able to come to Goldsboro for New Years! It was great to spend time with them and Mr. Bumblebee loved having someone to play BlackOps and Nerf gun with.
Currently we are enjoying the lack of snow here on the east coast and growing each day in our marriage. I am job searching which has left me with time to actually cook dinner most nights. I do not enjoy cooking but it has been encouraging to see I can make some decent meals.
Please keep my job situation and our house situation in your prayers!!!!